I am very much abused in sacrilegious communions

In St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Our Lord appeared during Thanksgiving after Mass. He said, “Here and everywhere I am very much abused in sacrilegious communions. I am mocked with My Precious Blood, I want to explain to you. At My Last Supper, I instituted the Eucharist and made all in one (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) and this carries on today, unchangeable and will remain forever.”

“Valentina, lead My sheep under My Holy Cross. Encourage them to come often to reconciliation and confession. It is very important to be reconciled before approaching Me in the Holy Communion.”

“Tell them not to be afraid to approach Me, for I am a merciful God and I love each one of you. I will help them when they ask Me. I wish My Bishops and priests would speak more openly to people.” (about these matters)

“Valentina, when you distribute these messages which I dictate to you, people say, ‘Oh yes. But all what you say has not happened.’ Tell people not to live in curiosity but to live the message I am giving, to take My word seriously. Many messages are continuously unfolding throughout the world and will persistently happen. You are never ready, My children.”

Our Lord and His Holy Mother have always urged us to remain in a state of grace. This is why He said, ‘Lead them under My Holy Cross’. We should always attend confession as often as possible. Lord, be merciful to us sinners.