The greatest sin of your time

26 August 2018

Come, My beloved children, and walk this Path of Truth that I set before
you. It is never too late to turn back to Me, My children, do not look at
the sins of the past but only look forward. 

My Forgiveness is freely given to all those who are willing to repent and
change their lives and walk the Path of Truth with Me. Do not look at what
others have done or what others do, children, rather, look at yourselves and
see the sin in your lives for sin only leads to the gates of hell. 
I hear so many of My children justifying the sin in their lives, saying that
God will not condemn me for this. If it is sin that you are living,
children, then you condemn yourselves for I have given you a set of Laws to
live your lives by.  These Laws are the Keys to the Gates of My Kingdom.  If
you do not live them then you cannot enter My Kingdom. 

Do not listen to the false wisdom of this world, those who have given
themselves over to the lies that lucifer has fed them. The greatest sin of
your time is that you have allowed the spirits of lust to guide you along
the path that you call sexual freedom. I call it a road to hell! 

Wake up, children, and see the Truth.  Your lives are so short yet you waste
them by listening to the lies of lucifer. 
Wake up and come follow Me in Truth and Eternal Life will be yours in the
Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven. 
Trust in Me. I Love you.

24 August 2018

Trust in Me and believe in the Words I speak for this time of great evil is
where mankind has forgotten their God. Trust in Me to guide you through to
the time when My Peace, My Love, shall flow freely across the land once
Believe, children, for I Come to set all to right and remove the evil that
blights the land. I come, children, and soon. 
Be ready, be prepared. I Love you.