In the New Era, My Churches will be all pure and holy

Mist of Light from the Holy Tabernacle

This morning while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, I want to teach you and show you how each time when I speak to you in the Church, I always come to you out from the Tabernacle.”
Jesus then showed me a most beautiful mist of Light coming from the Holy Tabernacle. Suddenly, I see Baby Jesus, coming forward out of this mist. He appears as a little Infant of about two years old and dressed in a blue tunic. His little Hands are outstretched towards the people present in the Church, in a gesture seeking to be loved and adored by them. 
Jesus said, “I then reveal Myself to you, and I talk to you. Now, My Churches are no longer pure. They are very dirty and polluted, only a very few of them have preserved their purity. As soon as people find out that a particular Church is good, they bring with them, into the church, dirt, and impurity. Slowly, even these churches become unclean and impure.”
 “Valentina, in the New Era, when I will change the world, My Churches will be all pure and holy, and everyone will experience Me in the Tabernacle as a little Infant. They will have a much stronger devotion to Me in the Holy Tabernacle because I will manifest very powerfully among My people. They will experience My Holy Presence and My Love.”
Our Lord was showing me, how He wants to be with us like a little Child, whom we love and adore.
 He said, “Come, Valentina, I want to reveal something else to you.”
I suddenly found myself standing next to Jesus, and in the palm of His Hand, He was holding a blue ball, slightly larger than a tennis ball, which He said represents the globe of the world.
Directing my attention to the globe, He said, “The world is very sinful and impure. It is very dirty and getting worse, and worse, and not better. I will show you something else.”
As I looked down at the ground, I could see a huge gutter grate which appeared before me. There was a massive basement beyond the grate, filled with mountains and mountains of dirty clothes
Our Lord then pointed in another direction, guiding my gaze towards a slightly elevated area. There I could see clean clothes, all different types, drying in a gentle breeze. These clothes were all drying under a large shelter.
 Our Lord said, “See those clothes, do you know why they are under the shelter? It is because I protect them. These are the children on earth that love Me, and they try to stay very close to Me. These clothes are clean because these people keep repenting of their sins.”
I understood the shelter represents the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus, Who dearly loves all those who try to stay very close to Him, and who are truly devoted to our Lord.
The mountains of dirty clothes represent those who continuously live in sin and refuse to repent of their sins.
I suddenly found myself, in a part of Heaven, walking with our Lord. We stopped, and our Lord sat down on a small, stone garden step, on the grassy ground. I remained standing. From the side approached a group of saintly women when at the same time a basket suddenly appeared, hanging from my left arm. It was in the shape of a deep, laundry basket with a few items of dirty clothing inside it.  Also tucked under my left arm, I was holding a few pieces of clean clothes. I was careful not to let the clean clothes fall into the basket with the dirty clothes.
As the Heavenly women arrived, they lamented to our Lord, “Lord, we pray so hard for the world to get better, but so far nothing has touched them or moved them. They continue to offend You.”
With the greatest of sadness, our Lord responded, “Yes, I know.”
Up until now, our Lord was holding the blue globe in His Hand. He now placed it in His side pocket and out of sight.
After the saintly women told Him, how much they prayed and tried to do everything they could for humanity to change, in a sad tone our Lord responded, “Nothing has changed! The world has remained filthy and dirty. No matter what I try, they do not take it seriously. They play with it as a child would play with a toy.”
Jesus was referring to the gift of repentance as the toy.
Deeply discouraged, He retrieved the blue globe from His pocket, and threw it straight into the laundry basket, still hanging from my arm.
He said to the saintly women, “There is not much hope for the world. Back to the filth!”
I asked, “Lord, do you want me to take those clothes that are drying under the shelter?
He said, “No! Leave those. They are under My protection.”
As the saintly women walked away, our Lord stood up, and we started to go back in the direction from which we came. Our Lord was visibly upset and deeply disappointed. I sensed the heaviness He was feeling from being rejected by humanity.
I tried to console Him by saying, “Lord, maybe I should help you wash these dirty clothes.”
He said, “Valentina, you cannot do it on your own.”
After this, our Lord brought me back to my home.