Cardinal Preaches Bizarre Fuehrer Cult

Perugia Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, the president of the Italian bishops, hailed Pope Francis’ pontificate as an “epoch-making and prophetic fact” during a November talk at a Perugia meeting about Francis.

He repeated the mantra that Francis is fighting a “clerical Church” because “clericalism" is opposed to communion, although Francis is know for ignoring the communion of bishops and taking lonely decisions.

But according to an unperturbed Bassetti [the authoritarian] Francis [who often treats is collaborators harshly] preaches “tenderness” and “mercy”.

He hails Francis as “the Pope of the periphery," although Francis promotes the liberal ideology of the rich.

Bassetti even believes that Francis started nothing less than “a new Church history and papacy” which marks “an extraordinary turning-point of the ages” which according to the cardinal some criticise because it prefers “the poor”.

In reality, the critique focuses on the fact that Francis outdated liberal ideology has been proven wrong because it has already been proven before Francis to be a recipe for failure.