Twitter suspends pro-life activist after sharing ‘secret’ names of aborted body parts’ traffickers

February 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A prominent pro-life activist found himself locked out of his Twitter account last week after he linked to a LifeSiteNews report on the legal battle between Planned Parenthood and Center for Medical Progress leader David Daleiden.

On February 9, LifeSiteNews reported on Judge Christopher Hite of the Superior Court of California in San Francisco hearing oral arguments regarding whether to unseal the names of fourteen individuals caught on undercover video by Daleiden and his colleague Sandra Merritt discussing the sale of aborted babies’ organs.
Planned Parenthood wants the pro-life journalists convicted of illegally recording “confidential communications”; Hite subsequently ruled their names would remain sealed. However, their identities are already public knowledge and were listed in LifeSite’s Feb. 9 piece. Most are officials with Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation, or tissue procurement firm StemExpress.
On February 13, Twitter suspended the accounts of Pro-Life San Francisco and one of its organizers, Eric Cochran, after requesting that they delete tweets naming the abortion industry insiders, National Review reports. Both appealed the decision, Pro-Life San Francisco’s Terrisa Bukovinac was told her account had displayed “suspicious behavior,” while Cochran was told the company does “not tolerate behavior that crosses the line into abuse [...] This includes behavior that harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence another person’s voice.”
“It appears Twitter is forcing @prolifesf to remove the names of the 14 secret “does” in the @daviddaleiden case exposing @PPFA 4 selling #babybodyparts even though the media already named them,” Kemper tweeted along with a link to LifeSite’s Feb. 9 report. He had not been suspended as of February 20, but was hit with a suspension and a request to delete his tweet the next day.
“I think it’s obvious that Twitter doesn’t truly recognize free speech by the way they target accounts of pro-life and conservative leaders,” Kemper told NR. “Twitter is censoring something that is simply public knowledge [...] “The more Twitter censors the louder we will be with the truth. The pro-abortion forces are afraid because they know this is the generation that will abolish abortion and they are fighting any way they can to try and slow us down.”
LifeSite’s Feb. 9 article noted that naming the fourteen pro-abortion “Does” was nothing new for Pro-Life San Francisco, which has been underscoring the point that their identities are public information by “linking to mainstream media outlets which have covered their involvement in the abortion industry.”
Kemper and Cochran’s Twitter accounts have since been restored, but their suspensions are the latest in a long series of bans (including of LifeSiteNews) that have convinced conservatives and pro-lifers the social media giant is biased against them.
Twitter insiders have admitted to intentionally targeting conservative accounts and topics, and last summer the company admitted to excluding various prominent Republicans from its drop-down search menu. Most recently, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey boasted about the company’s recently-adopted guidelines that define “misgendering” and “deadnaming” gender-confused individuals as “hateful conduct.”