Muller: The Vatican is replacing faith with politics

In an interview with the Spanish website, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller described the word "synodality" as a neologism. The so-called "synodal process" of the German bishops he qualified as "crazy". Quote: "As if processes could change the ideas of the Church." More important than processes is the orientation to Scripture, tradition and the Magisterium.

Müller has so far only heard - quote - "very superfluous" things about the October Amazon Synod. He assumes that the Synod will speak about celibacy, although the Synod of Bishops does not officially deal with the topic. Müller states that celibacy is not the cause for the shortage of priests. The reason for this is for Müller today's lack of preparation to accept the vocation.

The Cardinal explains that the diaconate of women is dogmatically impossible. No Pope has the power to change the sacraments, he stresses. Female deacons never existed in the Church. Müller emphasizes that the diaconate is part of the sacrament of Orders which is not destined to women. The introduction of a non-sacramental blessing that would be called female diaconate, would only create confusion.

According to Müller, the planned reform of the Curia puts the faith behind the Secretary of State, the Vatican diplomacy, and the Church bureaucracy. He explains that Christ has not established the Vatican State to govern the Church. On the contrary: This state serves to preserve the Pope's freedom and independence from political influence.

Müller criticizes that the planned reform of the Curia places "evangelization" before faith. He emphasizes that evangelization is proclaiming the Faith. The Faith, therefore, precedes evangelization. He asks whether the Marxist concept that thinks that practice is more important than theory is behind this emphasis on evangelization.

The Cardinal regrets that there is much talk in the Church about climate change and migration instead of faith. He objects - quote: "The Church is not an NGO". The sacraments are the centre of the Church; they bring people into communion with God and with one another. Quote: "We do not need a Church as a sub-organization of the United Nations".

Gloria TV