The secret of the Divine Heart

Once, in a vision, the Lord showed me how most of the world would become a pile of ruins. I saw cities and villages, and everything seemed like a forest after a fire. There was no life sign anywhere. Suddenly the Divine Savior appeared. I saw how He walked between the blackened ruins. He raised his right hand towards heaven, while his left hand aimed at the world. I asked him:

- My Jesus, what are you doing among these ruins? 

He answered me:
- I am looking for a place to plant the seeds of the promise of my celestial Father, but everything is burned and in ruins.

I understood that his right hand, raised towards heaven, meant the imminent punishment, whereas his left hand, aiming towards the world, represented his prolonged mercy.
As I was witnessing the vision, a writing appeared above the right hand of Jesus:
- This will not happen, if my people are converted. By means of reparation the celestial Father will have mercy on the world.

Then I understood one of the secrets of the Divine Heart: many could not be born, if this total ruin came. His Divine Heart, infinitely good, experienced pain for those souls that by this ruin, would not have the opportunity to gain eternal glory.

"I am telling you again"

Jesus said to me:

- I am telling you again: "Pray, so that before the holy peace, and the great mercy for the world arrives, sinners may be converted and accept my mercy, amending their lives. Otherwise those that have not converted before or during this period of grace will die eternally. You, who are just, should not be scared. Pray and trust in the power of holy prayer. Rejoice, because they have found mercy with my celestial Father. Do not be afraid, rather rejoice, because my Immaculate Mother with her power of Queen, full of grace, along with the celestial legions of angels, will annihilate the forces of hell.