Warnings from Beyond: The Eucharistic Fast



E: In the name of the Blessed Virgin, tell the truth! 

B: Here is the way it is: the Sacraments should not have had to be changed at all. This was brought about partly through the machinations of freemasonry. On the other hand, with Holy Communion for example, the Pope happened to say that it was rather a severe law, which obliged people to remain fasting all night. In the mission areas especially, they could be obliged to remain fasting until midday, or even until the evening, and this was often hard.

But it was also an invaluable gain, because people were obliged to do penance, to make very great sacrifices, which had the general effect of saving thousands and thousands of souls. Through these sacrifices and trials, very many souls used to be snatched away from us. That is why Heaven would have preferred that the law of the Eucharistic fast was not changed. Somebody said - the Pope or the cardinals, it doesn't matter who - that it could no longer stop at that point, and that a step should be taken to meet them. So the law was first reduced to three hours, then to one hour.

The law of the full fast: Before, one could not even have milk or anything like that - even liquid was not allowed: it was a penance, but Heaven approved of it. Heaven preferred that to the way it is now. The cardinals, and the Pope also to a certain extent, believed that now the crowds would flock to the communion table if the law were lightened for this reason. At first it did have the effect that a few more people were able to go to Communion. 

But now the situation is much more serious than it was before the law of the Eucharistic fast was changed. Now fewer people come to Communion, to the communion table - at all events, (fewer) people in the state of grace than used to come before the Council changed the law. Now the situation has become deplorable, and it is one more thing which is not at all pleasing to Those up there (he points upward).

If this law were still in existence, it would be more those who are deeply pious and in the state of grace who would go to Communion because they would be obliged to be fasting and through that, making more sacrifices. But if they are obliged to fast for only three hours, or even one hour, that is not a sacrifice any more.

Broadly speaking, on the subject of this law of the Eucharistic fast, many people say to themselves: “If the Pope has been able to change the law and reduce the fast from all day to three hours, then to one hour, one can very well take something - say a quarter of an hour before going to Communion. It is no longer important. Now everything is easier: whatever one does, it is no longer important.”

The same applies to abortion, and it is the same for everything now. Formerly - the Pope would have done better to think of this - it was very much better, when the law of the Eucharistic fast was in existence. For when there is no more sacrifice, no more self-denial there are far fewer heavenly blessings and far fewer graces. And men think about things much less when it is just like going through a turnstile.

Formerly, it was always necessary to think: “I must not eat. Who is coming into my heart today? The Most High, the Holy of Holies, Whose grandeur and majesty no human being would ever know how to attain.” That is the way people used to always think, and they used to pray about it beforehand, even during the night. Many still do, but not as many as before. Taking everything into account, there were (in Holy Communion) before this relaxation, many more Divine Blessings. The same goes for Confession.

Warnings from Beyond (Hell), Part 2 of 3