It is a deadly poison; there is no antidote; only faith —Carbonia

July 31, 2021  Carbonia

This Humanity seeks protection in these vaccines which, instead, are nothing but poisons.

Mary Most Holy says:

Here I am, I have come among you, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My blessed children, go forward with strength! Have faith in my Son Jesus Christ, have love for one another, be one heart, one soul.

The time that is coming is a fierce time, but whoever remains on the Lord's side will be protected by Him.

Today I come to communicate a special event to you, my children, I come to give you the announcement that soon Jesus will be in your midst, will see Him in Flesh and Bones, you will touch Him like Thomas, you will know Him when you put your finger in His Flesh.

My children, the terrible hour is coming to this Earth! A fierce battle is coming against the infernal enemy who, unleashed, is trying to destroy all that belongs to Christ Jesus, especially His children who are so dear to Him.

His Heart continues to drip blood because of the situation prevailing over this Humanity now lost in the hands of the infernal enemy, a Humanity that, deprived of God, of His Shield, is going towards eternal death. Man has deluded himself into thinking that he can do great things by himself.

This Humanity seeks protection in these vaccines which are instead poisons, a deadly poison, my children. There is no antidote for these vaccines, they are not vaccines my children, they are your destruction, your death.

Today the Lord says to you with all his heart: for you who have been put to the test, ...for you who have been punished, beg for healing through prayer, beg Jesus, his Mercy, so that this poison may somehow be stopped. But it takes a great faith, a faith that moves mountains, a great love indeed for your Lord Christ and a great submission to Him. Renouncing everything in the world that distances you from your loving God, surrendering your very life for your salvation so that you may enter into eternal life, into a new world that the Lord Jesus Christ will soon open to you with all His love, ... where He will give you all His Good.

Jesus says: Do not worry about what tomorrow holds for you, my children, for I am the Eternal God of Love, I am the Creator, I will give you everything new, ... I will make you happy forever.

Do not give up the salvation of your soul, do not give up eternal salvation, God is with you, my children, God loves you infinitely and wants to take you to Himself, He wants to make you enjoy a heavenly world, a new world, made only of good things.

His Universe awaits you, everything will be made known to your eyes, everything will be beautiful when you dwell in Him and look at the things of the Universe through His eyes.

Go ahead! As always, I leave you with Our Lady on this blessed hill that I love in a special way, where I will soon manifest my greatness.

Come, my children, here everything must be renewed, everything must shine. God must enter this place and must set His feet on this earth.

I embrace you all my children and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen from

Mary Most Holy says:

Praise be to Jesus Christ. Praise be to Him forever.

Praise be to Jesus Christ. Praised be Jesus Christ.

Praise Jesus Christ. Praise Him forever.

So acclaim your Heavenly Mother and so acclaim you too. 

At all times, listen to Him. 

Read the Holy Gospel my children, the Holy Gospel is the Word of Jesus, the Holy Scriptures are your teaching. Take example from what your forefathers foretold for these times, do not make the same mistakes as the ancients, but heed the proclamation of the prophets and live your life according to the Law of God and not of men. Amen