Strickland: High-Ranking Prelates are Leading Souls to Hell


"The institution that presents itself as the Catholic Church is not a safe place at the moment, in fact it has not been a safe place for the last 60 years: Heresy kills souls," wrote Deacon Nick Donnelly on @ProtecttheFaith (, 24 July).

The deacon notes that "the Church is full of heretics who are as bad as sexual abusers". These heretics "kill souls and send them to hell to suffer for eternity".

"And just as countless bishops covered up sexual abuse, they cover up the murder of souls by their silence."

The deacon reminds the many faithless bishops that their "primary duty" is to make the Church a safe place for souls by protecting their flocks from heretics, "a duty they are spectacularly failing".

Because of the failure of the bishops, it is our duty to expose and oppose heresy in the Church for the sake of souls, whatever the cost, because "the supreme law of the Church is the salvation of souls," he writes.

Deacon Donnelly observes that in the last 60 years - and especially in the last 11 years - "high-ranking clerics have aligned themselves with the gates of hell".

Christ promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, but He didn't promise that men who claim to be successors of His apostles would not seek the victory of the gates of hell," Donnelly warns.

These bishops [and popes] protect sexual abusers and heretics, accept sodomy, adultery, fornication, contraception, abortion and euthanasia, and celebrate abortionists, eugenicists, communists and blasphemers.

They encourage the sacrilegious acts of adulterers and homosexuals against the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Matrimony, and they tirelessly seek to desecrate the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the deacon notes.

This means that these bishops are advancing the agenda of the devil and seeking the victory of the gates of hell over the Church, and "the vast majority of bishops are deaf, dumb and mute".

At least one bishop, Monsignor Joseph Strickland, acknowledged the problem.

"Deacon Nick Donnelly speaks a truth here that many don't want to admit," he wrote in a response.

"Deacon Donnelly knows that it is the silence of the shepherds in the face of evil and the efforts to cover up the truth rather than clean up the mess that scandalises the faithful."

Monsignor Strickland reminds the many unfaithful bishops that the mission of the Church is the salvation of souls:

"If high-ranking prelates are instead leading souls to hell, then we must expose their treachery and save as many souls as possible."
